
Embark on a transformative journey towards a fulfilling and balanced life. Our self-care for lawyers programs are meticulously curated to address the unique challenges faced by legal professionals. Discover empowering strategies and practical tools designed to enhance your overall well-being. From stress management techniques to mindfulness practices, our programs provide comprehensive support for lawyers seeking to thrive both personally and professionally. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize self-care and unlock the full potential of a healthier, more resilient you. Take the first step towards a life where success and well-being coexist harmoniously.

Wellness Coaching

Work one-on-one with your coach to design your best life.  

  • Design your wellness. 
  • Find job satisfaction.
  • Build your ability to bounce back.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call so that you can learn how coaching can benefit you.

Mental Fitness Boot Camp

Join this 8-week Mental Fitness bootcamp.  Increase your Mental Fitness, your ability to face the challenges of life with a positive rather than a negative outlook. 

When you increase your Mental Fitness, you are able to face the challenges in your life with less stress and with more confidence.  Develop powerful new habits for a positive mind.  

You work individually with your coach or in a weekly pod meeting facilitated by your coach.

Reignite Job Satisfaction

If you are feeling unhappy at work. Maybe you have lost the love for your job. Maybe you have the “golden handcuffs.” Work with your coach to find what has been missing, and take action to enjoy your job again.

You are not powerless and enjoying your job without having to quit is possible.


Frequently Asked Questions

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential.

A discovery or strategy session is a conversation where you can find out how coaching can apply to your situation, to learn about your options and decide what actions to take next to achieve your goals. You can schedule a session by finding a convenient time for you in my online calendar.

No, coaching is not a type of therapy.  Coaching can result in mental well-being and a feeling of satisfaction with your life, but it is not therapy.  

During our initial conversations and/or discovery session, together we will identify if this is an appropriate fit. So, before you say “yes”, you will have a sample of what the coaching experience will be like. Until then, click on the About page to learn more about me and my approach to coaching.

A consultant will do the work for you.  Your coach is a guide.  You do the work to meet your goals and gain the knowledge that you need to succeed in your goals.